
Bed Bug Infestation… When Things Turn Far Worse Than Just Bumps in the Night!

Good night, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite…

Sigh, only if keeping these nocturnal nibblers away was so easy.

And so, they feed on our blood every night, constantly disturbing us as we try to sleep tight.

Talk about free lunch and all that!

A bump here, a bump there – we continue to roll side by side, irritatingly waking up in the middle of nights and then falling back to sleep again.

But sometimes things turn far worse…

Image showing Commercial Cleaning services St. Albert AB for bedbugs

Allergies happen

Those bed bug bites… at times can cause mild to severe allergic reaction in some people. It’s like when a bee or a hornet stings you. Although, these allergies are not life-threatening, they may at times lead to anaphylactic shocks which can actually be dangerous. The reason you need sanitary services Edmonton to wipe out such bugs.

Infections develop

The sores from bed bug bites… they may sometimes open up. And when they do, germs, pathogens and every Mr. Micro can enter into the bloodstream and cause an infection. Especially, the superbug Staphylococcus aureus, that lives on our skin, is known for such infamous invasions.

Nights turn sleepless

Not for everyone, but in homes where bed bug infestation is severe, the distraught homeowners may be forced into spending sleepless nights. Some poor souls are even pushed out of their own homes. How cheeky of these bed bugs?!

Stress and depression make way

Of course, when you don’t get enough sleep at night or spend your nights awake, your normal brain functioning is going to suffer. And stress and depression are likely to make their way into your life.

Latent illnesses follow

Again, your body is not getting enough rest and this only weakens your immune system. When your immune system weakens, latent illnesses follow.

And then…

It becomes all too traumatizing, both physically and psychologically. You just cannot continue to live in the company of these bed bugs. You become desperate, ready to try anything and everything to get rid of them.

There go the bedbug bombs – and boom!

Smoke, pesticides, and house fire

And things go from worse to worst.

Image showing junk removal edmonton

Is your home infected with bed bugs?

Before those uncomfortable bumps in night turn into something worse or worst, kick out those bedbugs from your property by contacting a bedbug removal service in your area.

And if you need any help in preparing your home for the bed beg removal treatment, give us a call. Our experts will do all the hard work to make sure your property is prepared for the exterminators to come and do their job conveniently and effectively. We also offer post-treatment cleaning services.RTM Cleaning Solution is the leading bed bug Commercial Cleaning St. Albert AB in Edmonton!